Quality Matters
Quality Matters is a Consultancy management company that aims at assisting government and non-government organisations at establishing a Total Quality Management System in order to improve their operations/services/products to meet various stakeholders’ requirements and expectations, thus attaining their satisfaction and ensuring their happiness.
Who We Are
Quality Matters is a Consultancy management company that aims at assisting government and non-government organisations at establishing a Total Quality Management System in order to improve their operations/services/products to meet various stakeholders’ requirements and expectations, thus attaining their satisfaction and ensuring their happiness.

It helps organisations and different entities set or achieve their Vision, Mission Statement, strategies and objectives as well as required policies, procedures, processes as well asidentifying projects and initiatives that would add value to different parties and various stakeholders.
The expertise of the Company in the fields of Quality, Excellence, Strategies, Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Inclusion, Partnerships, Smart Transformation, Customer/Employee Happiness, Human Capital and other fields will guarantee a success story to every organization regardless of its maturity and performance.

Our Vision
To become the Leading domestic and regional consultancy management firm and assist organizations/entities reach the highest levels and top rankings in their field of expertise

Our Mission
Provide support and assistance for organizations/entities to reach Excellence and Quality and optimize their operations through solutions related to the following areas:
Total Quality Management
Innovation and Creativity
Corporate Social Responsibility and an inclusive society
Customer Care and Happiness
Employee Engagement and Human Capital
Effective Performance Monitoring including various surveys and studies
Smart Transformation to keep up with the latest technologies
Governance and Risk & Crisis Management
Quality Matters Management Consultancy
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Quality Management
For Organisations/entities that seek a strong Quality Management system and continual improvement, we would offer all consultancy services that help in Establishing, documenting, maintaining and continually improving business based on the entity’s requirements and international certificates:
ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System)
OHSAS 18001:2015 (Occupational Health and Safety)
EMS 14001:2015 (Environment Management System)
ISO 10001: 2018 (Customer Satisfaction – Code of Conduct)
ISO 10002: 2018 (Complaint Handling System)
ISO 10003:2018 (Dispute Resolution)
ISO 31000:2018 (Risk Management)
ISO 22301:2012 (Business Continuity)
ISO /DIS 50501(Innovation Management)
ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security)

Excellence and Efficiency
For Organisations/entities that aim at excellence and efficiency, we would offer the implementation of Programs based on the EFQM model, Dubai Government Excellence Program/4th Generation (mainly for government entities), or we would also recommend tailor-made programs based on the nature of operations and recommend internal/external award systems for the Entity as a whole, departments, various business units or even individuals to help in improving services/products/operations/processes.
We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.
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Strategies and Planning
For newly established entities/organisations or those looking for fresh eyes, we would recommend/revisit Strategies and all related Processes, Performance Contracts, Business plans and Projects. Strategies would vary from Organizational to operations and can incorporate or be at the top of other important strategies that are considered core in our ever developing markets such as Innovation Management Strategy, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence strategies, Customer Care/Happiness strategy, Human Capital Strategy, CSR strategy and much more. Contact us to learn more

Innovation Management
Innovation is key in today’s world. Therefore, we would use our expertise in this domain to develop Innovation Management Strategy with all the related processes from Idea Generation based on Challenges, voice of customers, to screening, Engagement, Concept testing, Validation, implementation and Intellectual Content Management. We would also happily select your Organisation’s Innovation Champions, develop and train them to spread around them the Innovation awareness and build the right environment. Innovation tools will also be introduced and referred to.
We also examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.
Quality Matters Services

Corporate Social Responsibility/Accessibility/Inclusion
Corporate Social Responsibility/accessibility and Inclusion are no longer considered as an optional element for organisations/entities, it is primordial to establish a CSR strategy and methodology to ensure that it becomes part of daily operations. Volunteering is also essential and to be rightly considered.
Having an inclusive and accessible organization will ensure it has reached the highest levels of civilization and openness. People with disabilities, special needs or of Determination have a lot to offer to any organization, society and nation.

Healthy Partnership is the secret of an organization/entity’s success and business efficiency. We would help you identify your strategic and secondary partners and put together the right cooperation methodologies/processes as well the joint projects/services and assist in their diffusion and implementation.
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Smart Transformation and Technology
Smart Transformation is part of Innovation and technology to ensure competitiveness and high reach, it is only natural to look into the ever changing and developing technologies, work on different applications and become SMART. We can also recommend improvement to your website and apps through different methodologies including desktop checks, audits, mystery shopping ...

Customer Care & Happiness
Customer Care and Happiness: for organizations/entities looking at improving their services and products to exceed customers expectations, we would help you draw and design your Customer journeys and experiences, listening to the Voice of Customers, segmenting them, identifying various channels (including Contact Centers), engaging with them, surveying them for efficiency and continuous improvement outcomes. View our wide expertise and success in Customer Happiness, we recommend according to each organisation’s operations and business initiatives that would surely improve performance, efficiency and stakeholders’ happiness.
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Organisations/entities have recognized that Human Capital is at the core of its operations. Employees’ performance is heavily and directly linked to Employee Happiness. Although studies have shown over the years that happiness comes from within people, many factors contribute directly to the enhancement of this state. People work, strive and live in a constant search for happiness. We help organisations put together and design all policies, procedures and processes in compliance with different business models and standards that aim at improving the work environment. Those could range from manpower planning, recruitment, screening, on-boarding, training, empowerment, delegation of authorities, individual development plan, career development, succession planning to exiting the organization etc. In addition, we recommend and assist in the implementation of projects and initiatives that contribute to the enhancement of Employees happiness

Human Capital and Employee Happiness
Looking to develop your business but not sure where to turn? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let us guide you. Any organization can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions.

Other projects could relate to PR/Communication plans, Risk and crisis management plans and disaster recovery in addition to Business continuity and designing different strategic and operational contingency plans and scenarios.
Supplier and Industry management and relations is also key to the flourishment of any organization/entity.
All efforts are to be assessed through various methodologies including Surveys that we are happy to design, develop, carry out, analyse and report for better planning.
We bring expertise and Subject-matter experts from all around the world to help us identify gaps, recommend solutions and implement them

Quality Matters: Global Solutions
Who We Are
Committed to Excellence

Quality Matters Services
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Branding & Positioning Analysis
Grow Your Business

Introductory Consultation
Achieve Your Goals
Strategic Planning Session
Expert Guidance

Branding & Positioning Analysis
Grow Your Business